Here Are 20 Little-Known Ways That WD-40 Can Change A Person’s Life


WD-40 actually solves a common problem that’s been annoying people for years

If you have ever had to deal with a squeaky set of door hinges, then chances are you’ve used WD-40 before. However, if that’s all you are using this amazing stuff for, then you are seriously missing out!

While most people tend to think of WD-40 as an industrial product best used by handymen and machinists, the truth is that’s only part of how it can be used. WD-40 actually has dozens of other uses that are sure to surprise you. If you have a can lying around the house, here are 20 amazing hacks to get you started. Once you find out how much it can do, you’ll never go without it again!

1/20 Cleaning shoes

When it comes to sneakers, WD-40 is a person’s absolute best friend. In the winter, you can remove stubborn rock salt spots that build up by spraying them and wiping them down. If you want to make your whole shoe waterproof, spray the entire surface with the stuff.

2/20 Protecting bird feeders

While having a bird feeder in your yard is a great way to keep beautiful birds in plain view, squirrels are notorious for stealing seeds from them. To keep these critters away, spray down the center pole with WD-40 and the squirrels will slide right off.

3/20 Polishing silver

If you have a collection of silver that always seems to be tarnishing over time, WD-40 can definitely help you out with that. Spray down your silver and wipe it clean. It’s just that easy to keep it looking sparkly and new!

4/20 Cleaning toilets

Depending on the type of water in your house, cleaning your toilet can feel like a pointless task. If you use WD-40 the same way you would use your regular toilet bowl cleaner, you’ll notice that it gets clean quickly and stays clean longer.

5/20 Defrosting ice

Whether you live in a cold climate year-round or you’re gearing up for the winter season, spray your windows down with WD-40 and then wipe the excess away. Believe it or not, this will keep the ice from sticking to your windows and save you time getting out of the driveway in the morning.

6/20 Unsticking gum

When gum doesn’t make it to the actual trash can, it can get stuck on shoes, or worse, your pants. If you need to banish hard, chewed-up gum that you accidentally sat in, then go ahead and spray it down with WD-40. That will help it come right off!

7/20 Removing crayon marks

Do you have kids who love to take their crayons and scribble on walls and furniture? Don’t break your back trying to remove the marks! Instead, lightly spray them with WD-40 and they should rub right off.

8/20 Removing water stains

It’s so frustrating that the same shower you step into to get clean tends to collect a crazy amount of water stains. If you want to get rid of them fast, follow up your usual cleaning routine with a spritz of WD-40 and watch the water stains disappear.

9/20 Polishing scissors

If you use scissors in the kitchen or crafting regularly, then you know just how sticky they can get over time. If you want to keep that stickiness at bay, polish them regularly with a healthy dose of WD-40 and they’ll be just perfect.

10/20 Removing stickers and price tags

If you have ever tried to peel off a sticker on a window or a bumper sticker on your car, you know what a hassle it can be. Using WD-40 makes it a breeze. Just coat the sticker and gently peel it away!

11/20 Unsticking zippers

Is there anything more frustrating than having a zipper on your backpack or your favorite coat get totally and absolutely stuck in place? Here’s good news: if you spray WD-40 on the zippers and gently work them back and forth, they’ll slide right back into place!

12/20 Removing tea and coffee stains

If you or a house guest have ever spilled a little coffee or tea on a table in your home, you know how hard it can be to ever get it out again. Thankfully, combining your regular cleaning routine with a squirt of WD-40 will banish it in no time.

13/20 Banishing tar stains

If your car gets covered in tar, then it’s definitely time to break out the WD-40. Just spray down the surfaces and even the most stubborn patches should melt away like hot butter! How great is that?

14/20 Taking off rings

If you wear a ring regularly then you probably know what it’s like when it gets stuck on your finger. It happens to everyone at some time or another. Don’t panic! The easiest way to remove it is to cover your finger with WD-40 and then slide it off. It works like magic!

15/20 Remove lipstick

Lipstick is always a fun way to make your look for the day pop. Unfortunately, it’s less fun when it transfers onto other items of clothing and settles in to stain. Luckily for you, WD-40 as a pre-wash stain treatment will help remove that lipstick in no time flat.

16/20 Helps Open Rusty Locks

If you’ve got a rusty key or a keyhole that won’t cooperate, apply some WD-40 and you should be able to gain easy entry.

17/20 Extends the Life of Shower Heads

This is another little-known household use for WD-40. Shower heads have a tendency to break down over time, but applying WD-40 can extend their life span by years.

18/20 Removes Mildew From Refrigerator Gasket

We’ve all seen it before: Disgusting gunk builds up on your refrigerator gasket. Well, WD-40 will remove this. Simply apply, let it sit for a few minutes, wipe off, and you’re done.

19/20 Filters Dust When Sprayed on Air Conditioning Filter

Spray a light coating of WD-40 on your AC filter before installing, and your filter becomes exponentially more effective.

20/20 Removing Leftover Tape

Whether it is an old sticker or leftover tape from winterizing your home, spraying a little WD-40 on the affected area will make removal easy to complete!

Did you have any idea just how many different uses there were for this household product? Next time you come face-to-face with a seemingly impossible problem, remember to reach for some WD-40 first!