He pricks a needle into a banana and look what happens next! This trick is super handy~


This needle trick really is very handy!

Bananas are not only very delicious pieces of fruit, they’re also super healthy. Eating two bananas a day can do wonders for your health, for example. But did you ever think of sticking a needle into a banana? Probably not, but you should, because it’s super handy!

After you see this trick, you’ll swear by it!


Whoever thought using a needle would be of such help when it comes to peeling a piece of fruit? The man in the video below did it and the result is pretty amazing. He starts at the top by pricking the needle into the banana and then wiggles it from left to right, through the flesh of the banana. Then, he moves a few centimetres down and repeats the process, right until he’s reached the bottom.

Go to the next page to see what this trick does and to see it in action in a video!

DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person results may vary.

Magic trick

And when he opens the banana… The entire piece of fruit has already been cut into slices! This way, you can easily eat the banana right after peeling it. The man also has a fun tip: use this trick without your friend seeing what you’re doing. Then let them peel the banana themselves and see it coming out already sliced. They’ll think you’ve performed a magic trick!

You can see the instruction with the needle in the video from 1:47 onwards. Watch the entire video for more fun food tricks!

DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee of specific results and each person results may vary.